MEA’s New Online Career Portal

by Clara DeRosier, Executive Manager

At the MEA office, we get asked two important questions regularly:
1. Where can I find more electricians to hire?
2. I am interested in becoming an electrician, how do I get started?

So, the MEA Workforce Development Task Force has been hard at work to develop items for both of these groups seeking answers and possibly a bridge to link the two.  On our website, you will see a tab for Resources and directly underneath – Career Portal.  This is where you will get connected to a variety of resources that will be helpful for you as you need to recruit, retain, or refer someone who wants to make the electrical industry their next career move.

RECRUITMENT VIDEO - On the main landing page you will find MEA’s brand new recruitment video that highlights the benefits of the industry, different types of work that they could possibly encounter as well as the pathway to licensure.  Feel free to show this video as you are out in the public speaking to high school classes, attending career fairs or just talking to a friend who is looking for a career change.  This video will be included on all new MEA members’ flash drives sent to them when they join (along with the AWAIR safety manual and Electrical Safety Talks).  Current members can download all of this online or request a flash drive at any point.

PROSPECTS – Individuals interested in the industry can view the common segments, a map of contractors in their area whom they can contact about applying, a list of questions that they may want to ask a contractor as they reach out for job availability, and much more on getting started in this booming career.

RECRUIT – MEA Member Contractors looking to add to their team can download valuable information such as earning potential for electricians as well as articles on the importance of apprenticeship and student loan debt.  The MEA staff will continuously add resources to this page as we see fitting so keep checking back.  We provide recommendations of how to participate in your community to assist in the building of the future workforce.  Bring these materials with you as you work on recruitment efforts in your own community and let us know what other information you would like to see.

BONUS – we have also added information on how to potentially save your business money with your next new hire.   

We will be referring eager individuals to this portal as they reach out to us for more information on the industry.  Make sure that you are included on our online map of contractors by joining MEA as a member to increase the amount of applicants that you get for job openings.  Stay tuned for future initiatives from the Workforce Development Task Force!