Quiz on the Code

Store Spaces

1.  When testing emergency generators and transfer switches a ____ must be completed.

a. full load of the generator
b. a written record of the operations
c. minimum of 10 seconds of operation
d. visual check of the exhaust manifold

2.  For emergency lighting,  the code requires the emergency power be transferred from “loss of normal” to “emergency power” within ____ seconds.

a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

3.  NEC article 480 deals with storage batteries as used in ____.

a. batteries in any unit emergency lighting
b. generator starting batteries
c. UPS systems
d. All of the above.

4.  A fixture whip may be made of ____.

a. a re-loc assembly
b. metal clad cable
c. flexible metal conduit
d. Any of the above.

5.  If you need to pull wire into a device box, the wires should extend at least ____ inches beyond the face of the device box.

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 6

6.  If a conduit passes through a partition, and there are different temperatures on either side of the partition, then ____ must be used in the conduit.

a. electrician’s tape
b. fiberglass thermal insulation
c. sheet rock filler
d. duct seal

1. (b) Ref: 700.3
2. (b) Ref: 700.12
3. (d) Ref: 480.1
4. (d) Ref: 410.117
5. (b) Ref: 310.14
6. (d) Ref: 300.7