Bidding on Public Projects

by Michelle Dreier
Member Engagement/Gov't Affairs Manager

As you are reviewing projects to bid on for the upcoming 2019 construction season, are public projects looking interesting to you?

Maybe you've never performed work on a public project but are wondering if it's a market you might want to explore. Minnesota Electrical Association provides services that make that jump easier for you.

I have over 18 years of experience in prevailing wage administration and can assist you with any questions you might have regarding additional paperwork and how to pay workers under the additional regulation required by public projects.

A quick phone call can set you on the right path, or you could spend a few dollars on consulting fees for a personal visit to your shop and provide training to key personnel that will be performing your compliance work.

Registered Apprentice Program
MEA also offers a Registered Apprenticeship Program through ETN of MN. Registered apprentices are exempt from prevailing wage requirements. MEA’s apprenticeship curriculum qualifies as related-technical instruction.  While registered apprentice wage rates are based on the prevailing wage, many members are surprised that they are already paying their unlicensed registered electricians more than what regulations require.

Please give me a call to determine if starting a registered apprenticeship program makes sense for your business (612-827-6117).