ETN Board of Trustees Roster



Jason Seanger, Chair

Melrose Electric

Kate Bischoff

Design Electric

Doug Kahler

Kahler Electric

Mark Moderow

State of ND/ND Inspector

Joe Gatewood

Gatewood Electric

Tony Enger

Harrison Electric


You have been elected to the ETN Board of Trustees because of your good judgment and your understanding of your industry. Since the Board of Trustees is the decision making body and the legal representative for ETN, the customers expect you to be responsive to their needs, well informed, and prudent as you conduct the business of the organization.

 Your role is to ensure the continuity of the organization by planning for the future, establishing and reviewing the major policies and programs that support its mission, and making sure that the organization is fiscally sound. You do not handle administrative details or day-to-day operations. Your function is critical to the life of your organization.

 Responsibilities of the ETN Board of Trustees

  1. Reviewing the organization's constitution, trust, board policy manuals, and other documents to be sure that you fully understand the objectives of the organization and are carrying out your responsibilities.
  2. Acquainting yourself with past Board business and policies by reading the minutes of previous meetings.
  3. Coming to Board meetings informed about the issues to be discussed. If you have a question about an item on the agenda, consult the President prior to the meeting.
  4. Helping to formulate and establish policies in the best interests of the organization's members based on your up-to-date and thorough knowledge of their needs.
  5. Accepting assignments that result from action taken at Board meetings. Support the policies and programs adopted by the Board.
  6. Making decisions affecting the organization's financial structure and resource allocations. Approve an annual operating budget.
  7. Approving and establishing priorities. Evaluate the programs and services of the organization to be sure that they serve the mission.
  8. Learning the basics of the laws that apply to your duties and knowing the extent of your liability as a trustee.
  9. Periodically examining your code of ethics to be certain that they are in keeping with changing social expectations and government regulations.
  10. Considering your public statements carefully because your remarks may be taken as official policy by ETN customers and others.
  11. Acting as a host at organization events to make sure people are welcomed and included.

EMAIL US if you would like more information on this Committee or if you are interested in joining.