Government Action Committee

Click Here if you are a member of the Government Action Committee to view past minutes, upcoming agendas and more!
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Responsibilities of the Government Action Committee  

  1. Prepare the Electrical Association platform of legislative and regulatory goals and update it yearly.
    1. Determine the Electrical Association's positions on proposed legislation and regulations.
    2. Investigate legal matters of concern to The Electrical Association.


  2. Act to affect the outcome of State electrical laws as approved by the Board of Directors.
    1. Work with the Minnesota Board of Electricity, Electrical Licensing & Inspection Unit, and other agencies to develop reasonable electrical laws and rules.

  3. Make recommendations on lobbying staff to Executive Board and Board.

  4. Call your legislators, regulators, and testify at hearings as needed.

EMAIL US if you would like more information on this Committee or if you are interested in joining.