One-Year Anniversary

by Clayton Schenck, Chair, Board of Directors

I am honored to be serving for the Electrical Association as Chair for one more year. We typically have elections in the Spring and welcome in our new chair. However, 2020 (and 2021) are not typical years. So, you will get one more year of me leading the charge. As many of us continuously look back at the year in shock that we are just starting to get out of COVID jail, we also look back at all that has been accomplished and it is noteworthy. 

It has been one entire year of our new branding launch.  Our new brand has proven to be a better reflection of the dynamic, energized and connected Association that we are. We are more committed than ever to empowering contractors with what they need to succeed and it shows.  In addition to rebranding initiatives, we were also able to successfully serve the industry through the following:

• Our First Regional Event at Indeed Brewing (Pre-COVID)
• A New Website
• Approval of Self-Paced Continuing Education in MN
• COVID-19 Resource Page
• Construction Industry declared Essential Workers
• Business Webinars to Comply with New COVID Guidelines
• Construction Preparedness Plans
• Construction Toolbox Talks
• Automated Onboarding for New Members
• Revised Bylaws approved by Membership
• Associations Financial Reserves Goal Met
• 401k Plans Available to Members
• Association Health Care Plans Available to Members
• 33 New Electrical Contractor Members
• Staff Restructure to Better Serve Members and
• South Dakota Tour Under the EA Management
• Employee Retention Credits
• EIDL Loan
• Virtual 2020 Legislative Session
• New In-House Primary Lobbyist
• 2020 NEC Adoption Communication & Curriculum Update

As we focus on strategy and creation of our new normal throughout 2021, we want to hear from you all as to what you need. Please know that as we all continue to survive and thrive through this pandemic, the Electrical Association is not just your problem-solving outlet, we are your partner.