
You upgrade the lighting.
We’ll do the rebate paperwork.

Submitted by CEE, Center for Energy & Environment

Rebates can significantly reduce the cost of your business customers’ lighting upgrades, but processing the paperwork can be time consuming. Partnering with Center for Energy and Environment’s (CEE) One-Stop Efficiency Shop, sponsored by Xcel Energy, makes the rebate process simple.
Here’s how our team of lighting experts supports contractors:

  • Completes free, no obligation assessments with cost savings and payback details to help sell jobs
  • Provides rebates up to 60% of the installed cost to help offset customers’ project costs
  • Provides access to financing as low as 1% (limited time offer)
  • Completes all program, rebate, and financing paperwork


Visit or contact us at [email protected] to get started.

Eligible participants must have an active commercial account within Xcel Energy’s Minnesota service territory and a peak electric demand of 400kW or less. Center for Energy and Environment, a local nonprofit and EA member, implements the One-Stop Efficiency Shop® on behalf of Xcel Energy.

For more information about One-Stop visit:
Contact: Cindy Kelly at 612.244.2427 or [email protected]