Updates from the 2016 Construction Industry Conference

Want to have a relaxed discussion of your concerns about construction—with the Commissioners of the Department of Labor (DOL), Human Rights (DHR), Education Transportation (DOE), and Economic Employment & Development (DEED)—whether it is commercial, highway and heavy, residential or state contracts and procurement. MEA members and staff did exactly that at the 2016 Construction Industry Conference on February 18 by attending panel discussions and following up and explaining to government leaders how our members are affected by various laws and rules.

Workforce Pipeline:

The future of construction and the development of the workforce are top priorities. Retirements are creating an enormous void at the same time construction and the economy are growing. DLI, DOE, high schools and career centers are focused on filling this void with minorities and women as well as with young adults. All employers in the construction industry need to be involved in attracting tomorrow’s workforce.

  • Attend MEA’s next Workforce Development Taskforce meeting to learn how other contractors are attracting new employees, if interested, email [email protected]

Contractor Licensing:

DLI has been conducting licensing tests weekly at the St. Paul location and regularly at outstate locations. The MN electrical test only has a pass rate of around 35%.

  • MEA’s Electrical Licensing Exam Prep Course is a valuable tool for employees taking this test.


MNOSHA Consulting is a valuable resource for making sure your practices, training and shop are correct and current. Making safety a top priority is made easier by implementing A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR) program. It prevents accidents, reduces insurance rates and has never been easier.

  • MEA’s AWAIR program workbook was designed in conjunction with MN OSHA Consulting. It allows you less time figuring out the wording and more time training your employees to work safely.
  • No software to learn, understandable and only $99 for members; $499 for non-members.


Human Resource Policies & Practices:

The Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA): Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA); Minnesota’s general employment law; Pregnancy and Parental Leave are being changed regularly to protect both the business and workers. WESA expands family leave from 6 weeks to 12 weeks (same as federal law); includes prenatal care, incapacity due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related health conditions; starts within 12 weeks (instead of 6) of the birth or adoption; and makes it illegal to retaliate against employee for requesting or taking leave.

  • MEA will continue to post these industry events on our website and in the newsletter.

“Decisions are made and laws are written by the people who show up”
was a great piece of advice from Shawn Hasskamp’s father. Increase your success by showing up at MEA’s Spring Conference on April 11–13 at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center.