Education Committee

Click Here if you are on the Education Committee to review past minutes, upcoming agendas and more!
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Responsibilities of the Education Committee

  1. Provide ideas for meetings and classes that…
    1. Deal specifically with the needs of electrical contractors, Masters, Journeyworkers, estimators, foremen and management.
    2. Meet continuing education credit requirements and/or the specific needs of contractors and their employees.
    3. Establish policies for instructors and course content.
  2. Provide appreciation and recognition for instructors.
  3. Provide feedback by yourself and others about the quality of the content and instructors.
  4. Promote attendance at classes by telling others about them and suggesting they attend.
  5. Actively participate with government agencies that oversee education.
  6. Inform association members of current laws and regulations governing safer work practices in Minnesota through the The Electrical Association News and classes.
  7. Actively participate with government agencies that oversee safety such as OSHA.
  8. Actively promote safe work practices through the use of:
    1. toolbox talks,
    2. safety awards,
    3. model safety programs,
    4. awards promoting the use of safety plans, and more.
  9. Provide input for improving the four-year course regarding quality and accuracy.
  10. Promote apprentice education. Find ways to deliver this training to as many unlicensed electricians as possible.
  11. Encourage other contractors to buy from The Electrical Association/ETN so we can continue to improve the apprentice training four-year course.

EMAIL US if you would like more information on this Committee or if your are interested in joining.