Education Policies

Transfer/ Cancellation Policies 

Please note that class transfer/ cancellation requests will only be considered up to 48 hours prior to the start of class

Classroom Classes

If you wish to cancel or transfer from a classroom class, you will be charged a $25 fee. If you do not attend the session as scheduled, there is no refund for the class fee

Online Classes

If you wish to cancel or transfer from an online class, you will be charged a $10 fee. If you do not attend the session as scheduled, there is no refund for the class fee

Classroom Policies

Early dismissal from class

*This policy applies to any class that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Labor (DLI) for Continuing Education Credits.

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) allows students to earn one continuing education credit for each hour of instruction for pre-approved classes (1 hour = 50 minutes of seat time).  When instructing a class with continuing education credits, early dismissal of students is prohibited.  The students will not receive their Continuing Education Credits for the class if they are dismissed early. 

Classroom - If a student leaves early from class, make sure they know they do not get credit for the class. 

Walk in Students

This policy applies to any classroom classes delivered to the public that have been approved by the Minnesota Department of Labor (DLI).

For any student who attends and is not already on the roster sent to the instructor, the instructor will record the name and identification of the student (Address and Phone) and obtain either a check or credit card number from the student. 

Instructor will notify the student that they may continue with the class but that verification of name and proper payment must be completed by the Electrical Association office before any continuing education (CE) credit is submitted to Minnesota DLI or other States. 

Online Class Policies

Credit for Online Classes

Live-Online – Administrator will review records from internal webinar software to determine adequate seat time for credit.  If a student did not stay online and active with the trainer for 90% of the preapproved time, they will not receive credit for that training.  Eg: 120 minutes classes must have minimum of 108 minutes of attention.

Self-Paced – The software utilized for self-paced training will not issue a completion certificate to any student who does not complete the entire course created.  Therefore, the admin will not grant continuing education credits to those individuals.

Anti-discrimination policy statement

The Electrical Association and the education department shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, marital status, or military status in any of its activities with all  staff, all students,  or any volunteers and vendors. 

This information is provided on correspondence with students and is acknowledged in the contracts with instructors.

Proprietary Interest Policy

Prior to training, all instructors and employees of the Electrical Association must disclose any proprietary interest of products, devices and materials to participants. The Electrical Association has no financial obligations to any third party vendors to promote products and materials to students, members and non-members.

If Proprietary Interest Policy is violated by Electrical Association employees or instructors, the Director of Education will issue a warning and/or possible termination.

Unless stated otherwise, Electrical Association Staff and Instructors who are involved in the design, development and delivery of our courses do not have any proprietary interest in products, instruments, devices or materials that may be included in the course. 

Copyright Policy

Electrical Association employees and contracted writers produce written and visual material for use in training electrical personnel. The material is written “for hire” and as such is covered under the copyright laws, and Electrical Association holds the rights. As required by copyright laws, Electrical Association requests permission from third-party copyright holders of images used in all curriculum materials and maintains a log of those images with their sources.   The Association will not knowingly use copyrighted material in the production of the training materials without the specific consent of the copyright holder. Any material that is shown to have copyright (without permission) will be immediately removed from all material.

Review Course Content for Quality, Currency, Effectiveness and Applicability

Courses taught by the Electrical Association undergo review to ensure material being developed is current, effective, applicable and of quality material.  Many courses are written by the Director of Education and others are written by the other instructors for the organization as well as specialists in the subject matter.  If a contracted trainer develops the course, the Director of Education must review to ensure it meets the standards set forth by the Association’s Education Department.  Once the course is approved by the Director of Education, the Publications and Communications Specialist proofreads the materials for grammatical errors and ensures copyright policies have been followed.  All courses are published on the Association’s SharePoint site so there is easy access for other instructors to view the curriculum being developed and offer feedback.      

The course material is then compiled by the Administrative Personnel on staff and sent to the appropriate states to receive approval of the content for Continuing Education Units (CEU) in that particular state.  The State Regulatory Agency’s industry experts will be reviewing the content to ensure it meets their need for awarding CEU’s for any learner who would take our course.

During the event, participants have the opportunity to evaluate the course with regard to the quality, currency, effectiveness and applicability of the content.   

Maintaining Learner Records

The Electrical Association retains all participant contact information in an Association Management System (IMIS) which has a server off-site from the Association’s physical location. All data inputted into IMIS is secure through their data vault. This includes user contact information, event information and credit card information if applicable. The Association does not house credit card information from participants registering for events or when purchasing association products. Full Social Security Numbers are never obtained from users in order to register for classes through the Association. All other information that is collected from customers in order to meet the needs of licensure is public data.

Credits for courses taken through the Association are granted to students who successfully complete an Association Course and a certificate of completion is issued. Students who attend courses with the Electrical Association must sign a roster which states that by signing the Roster, they agree to the Electrical Association submitting their attendance record to the State Department of Labor in accordance with their license information that they provide.  Administrative personnel responsible for maintaining learner records must not release the students’ information to regulatory agencies if the learner did not sign the roster.  Upon sending the certifications to students, the Association’s administrative staff submits the names, electrical license numbers and amount of credits granted to all applicable state regulatory boards for each student. Each state board tracks this information for each license holder in their own method.

If a student has a question about their credits or classes taken with the Association, they are able to log into their online account to determine past events that they have attended.  If they are unable to solve the issue on their own, they are encouraged to call the Association for guidance.  If staff at the Electrical Association need to look up information for the student through a regulatory agencies database, the last 4 digits of the students’ social security number is required.  The Association staff will work directly with the state regulatory agency to determine the issue at hand and how to resolve.

All certificates of completion are saved on file at the Electrical Association on the internal shared drive. The certificates of completion do not contain any information that is not accessible via a public data request. All certifications are maintained on the Association’s shared drive in accordance to the Association’s document retention and destruction policy (7 years).

Requesting Release of Learner Records

The Electrical Association is an approved provider of continuing education for electricians in multiple states.  For questions regarding electrical license maintenance, expiration, renewal, etc. please contact the appropriate state regulatory agency who maintains data from all approved sponsor courses.  If the state regulatory agencies information differs from the credits you believe you should be granted for a course taken with the Electrical Association, please contact us at 612-827-6117.

Return Policy for Equipment used for Educational Purposes

The Electrical Association holds certain classes that require learners to purchase equipment in order to assist in success for the learners in the course.  In order to be eligible for a refund, you must return the product within 30 calendar days of your purchase. The product must be unopened and in the same condition that you receive it, undamaged in any way. The Electrical Association is able to refund the consumer the value that was paid for the product less a 25% restocking fee.  If the product has been opened, it is no longer eligible for a refund at any percentage of the original paid value.