Member Spotlight

The Klein Family—Klein Electric, St. Cloud, MN


Happy 50th membership anniversary! My how time flies! It all started in 1969, when Roger operated Klein Electric out of his garage. At first it was just Roger’s car that had to park outside, but then business grew and Darlene had to park her car outside too. Eventually the business grew larger than the garage, and in 1972, Roger & Darlene moved to the farm where there was plenty of room to expand and where the business still resides today.

Roger, ever the Electrical Association’s greatest evangelist, won multiple membership recruiting contests. His efforts to make this association what it is today are

Roger and Darlene were quite the team, with Roger in the field and Darlene commanding the office. When Roger and Darlene retired, the business shifted to three sons, Mike, Dan and Rick. Mike and Rick moved to other opportunities, and Dan now owns the business with Dennis Shafer as master electrician commanding the office including scheduling and manpower. Dan’s son, Sam, is also a licensed electrician and is the future of Klein Electric.

When asked about what particular aspect of the Electrical Association they find most helpful. Dan appreciates the networking aspect of other member contractors. He feels it is an asset if you can become friends with the competition. These relationships allow for collaboration and helpful advice and direction as challenges present themselves. Dennis really appreciates the protection the Electrical Association provides when compliance issues arise. When DLI approached Klein with a licensing issue, the Electrical Association stepped in and challenged the allegations. The investigation was closed as a nonissue.

Klein Electric specializes in residential, commercial, and industrial electrical. Recent projects include the New Hope City Hall and New Hope City Pool.

When they are taking a break from business you can find Dan on the lake. He loves the water. Dennis is a Certified Firearm Instructor and teaches Permit to Carry courses and instructs people on how to properly defend themselves.

Thank you Klein Electric Inc. for 50 years of partnership!