Solutions for Your Customers

Reduce Jobsite Labor Costs
with Pro Logistic Services

Submitted by Viking Electric

Electrical contractors are often called upon to complete increasingly complex lighting projects - on time and on budget. When it comes to lighting projects, many project managers send their light fixtures directly to the jobsite for assembly and installation. However, there can be significant labor costs associated with handling these materials on the jobsite. According to industry studies, as much as 40% of jobsite labor is spent on materials handling. 

These labor estimates may be low, especially when you consider the amount of time that electricians and project managers spend sorting through product skids (for products that arrive on multiple skids, from multiple vendors, and located in different areas of the jobsite), cutting open numerous packages, inspecting fixtures for breakage or defects, managing freight claims for damaged fixtures, and disposing of or recycling the product packaging. Not to mention a growing number of jobsites where there isn’t any extra space to safely stage or store your fixtures.

With this in mind, Viking Electric offers Pro Logistic Services that will save you valuable time on your next lighting project. Specifically, these services include:

  • Pre-sorting and delivering your lighting materials according to your installation schedule
  • Delivering only the fixtures you want, when you want, and placed where you want on the jobsite
  • Delivering your light fixtures according to project area including by building room, floor, or wing
  • Removing packaging and cardboard for disposal and recycling before it reaches the jobsite
  • Sorting, repalletizing, and/or placing multiple fixtures on lighting carts for ease of movement on the jobsite
  • Pre-assembling your fixtures, so they are corded and/or lamped, and arrive ready for installation
  • Inspecting your fixtures, managing freight claims, and reordering broken or defective fixtures

Best of all, Viking Electric’s Pro Logistic Services will allow your electricians to spend less time dealing with materials handling issues, and more time focusing on installation and other important aspects of your lighting projects.

Are you ready to save time and labor costs on your next lighting project? Contact your Viking Electric Sales Representative to discuss the Pro Logistics Services that are right for you!