A Guide to Electrical Remote Virtual Inspections in Minnesota

In the ever-evolving world of technology, even electrical inspections have embraced the digital era. Minnesota-licensed electrical contractors can now benefit from Electrical Remote Virtual Inspections (ERVI) to streamline the inspection process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth virtual inspection experience.

Step 1: Eligibility Check

Before diving into the virtual inspection process, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria:

  • Hold a valid Minnesota electrical contractor license.
  • Possess an electrical work permit for the project.
  • Confirm that the project is within a designated virtual inspection area and an approved inspection type.
  • On-site electricians must be licensed journeyworkers or masters; no unlicensed registered electricians are allowed.
  • Install the free Microsoft Teams app on your mobile device.
Remember, inspections should be quick (around 15 minutes) assuming the electrical work is complete, and the necessary credentials are provided. Additionally, a stable internet connection (5G, 4G, LTE, or Wi-Fi) is crucial for Teams to function effectively.


Step 2: Set Up Teams and Prepare Your Mobile Device

  1. Download the Microsoft Teams app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Ensure your smartphone has stable connectivity.
  3. Charge your phone fully and adjust volume settings.
  4. Turn off potentially disruptive notifications.
  5. Use earbuds with a microphone for better communication.
  6. If nearby tools are in use, consider turning them off for better audio quality.
The virtual inspection process is seamlessly integrated into the existing iMS permitting platform used for electrical permits.


Step 3: Preparing for a Virtual Inspection

  1. Assess the jobsite for safety and adequate lighting.
  2. Have your electrical license and necessary tools ready.
  3. Ensure the entire scope of the inspection is visible, including labels and covers removed.
  4. Be prepared to join a Teams video call at the scheduled time.
  5. If you don't hear from the inspector within five minutes of the start time, contact them using the information in your Teams meeting request.
During the virtual inspection, the inspector will ensure a good Teams connection, ask for permit details, provide safety reminders, request to see the electrical license, give directions for inspection, and communicate the results.


Step 4: Scheduling a Virtual Electrical Inspection

  1. Visit the iMS website at https://ims.dli.mn.gov on your mobile device.
  2. Enter your permit number in the "Go to" box.
  3. Navigate to the "Inspections" tile and click the schedule icon.
  4. Choose a suitable time slot, add your contact information, and hit "Schedule."
  5. Receive a Teams meeting request for your virtual inspection. Ensure you have on-site contact information and inspection details readily available.

Additional Tips and Information:

  • If you haven't received an email confirming eligibility for a virtual inspection, but believe you meet the requirements, contact your local inspector or [email protected].
  • Schedule inspections at least 15 minutes before the desired appointment.
  • Remember, canceling an appointment means no inspection request will be entered on your behalf.
  • Do not schedule a virtual inspection if you've already requested a normal field inspection for the same day.
  • By following these steps, Minnesota-licensed electrical contractors can navigate the virtual inspection process seamlessly, ensuring safety and compliance with regulations. Embrace the future of electrical inspections with ERVI!

If you’re ready to give your business the boost it needs or to get a jumpstart on your budding electrical career, become a member of the Electrical Association today. We look forward to being your partner in success!